Standing Committees Chairs and Vice-Chairs

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The FICSA Standing Committee on Human Resources Management advises the Executive Committee on Human Resources Management.

Standing committee responsibilities

1. Contracts
Why non-regular staff should be our biggest concern and the role staff representative bodies play - Chairs of the Standing Committee on HR Management

2. Job classification
Monitoring the job evaluation tools for all categories of staff

3. Recruitment and selection
Sharing information on recruitment and selection procedures and the participation of staff representatives in selection committees/panels

4. Installation
Advising on best practices

5. Appointment and promotion procedures
Exchanging information on appointment and promotion procedures and the participation of staff representatives on appointment and promotion boards

6. Performance management
Participating in the development of performance management and performance appraisal tools

7. Career development
Working towards the implementation of a holistic approach to individual career advancement

8. Leave provisions
Parental Leave & Gender bias in the UN - Spencer Smith - Former FICSA intern

9. Organizational restructuring/redesign, Separation and termination policies
Restructuring and moral harassment Evelyn Kortum - General Secretary, FICSA

10. Teleworking, working hours, holidays - flexi-time
Compendium of Alternative Working Arrangements including Teleworking - Standing Committee on Human Resources Management, 72nd FICSA Council (FICSA/C/72/HRM/2/Rev.1)
FICSA survey on Teleworking - August 2020

11. Mobility policies and procedures
Participating in the development of interagency and intra-agency mobility policies and safeguards against abuse

12. Outsourcing
Identifying the impact of outsourcing on the organizations and their staff

13. Training
Providing training to members on HR initiatives and trends, and monitoring the availability of training provided by the organizations; advocating that at least 2% of staffing budgets be allocated for training

14. Ethics
Ethics including Codes of Ethics and Standards of Conduct

15. Whistle-blowing
Whistle-blowing including strengthening protections for whistle-blowers and developing a model policy

16. Reports
2020 - Report of the Standing Committee on HRM - FICSA/C/73/HRM/R.1
2019 - Report of the Standing Committee on HRM - FICSA/C/72/HRM/R.1
2018 - Report of the Standing Committee on HRM - FICSA/C/71/HRM/R.1
2020 - Report of the 73rd session of the FICSA Council
2020 - Report of the 73rd session of the FICSA Council
2019 - Report of the 72nd session of the FICSA Council 2018 - Report of the 71st session of the FICSA Council

The Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations

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