
Following the success of the first of these training workshops on the appeal process in international organizations for staff representatives, FICSA plans to organize several sessions per year.  The next training course, which will be the third one in 2009, will be hosted by the <st1:stockticker>WMO</st1:stockticker> Staff Association in <st1:city><st1:place>Geneva</st1:place></st1:city> on <st1:date year="2009" day="26" month="10">Monday, 26 October 2009</st1:date>.  The training will be presented in English by the Federation's Legal Advisor, Me. Laurence Fauth, with the kind support of <st1:stockticker>CAP</st1:stockticker> insurance.  The workshop is aimed at enhancing staff representatives knowledge, expertise and confidence in the ability to assist them in the appeal process within the UN common system, including identifying and understanding relevant substantive and procedural rights, writing effective appeals and understanding possible remedies.  In interactive exercises, participants will tackle some common issues that have been decided by administrative tribunals.

The workshop is free-of-charge for staff representatives of FICSA dues-paying member organizations.  However, a fee of $US 350 per person will be charged to all participants from non-FICSA association/union.  A reduced fee of $US 300 per person is charged in the case where two or more participants are enrolled from the same organization and duty station.

The Workshop programme as well as general information on hotel accommodation. local facilities, etc. will be sent directly to the participants upon confirmation of their participation.

Please find below the link for relevant application form.  Nominations should be signed by the President of the local staff association/union and sent to the FICSA General Secretary <> by no later than <st1:date year="2009" day="5" month="10">5 October 2009</st1:date>.  Seats will be confirmed on a first-come first-served basis, irrespective of the duty station of assignment and the number of seats limited to 30.  Therefore, please do not wait until the deadline to enrol. 

<st1:stockticker>ALL</st1:stockticker> TRAVEL RELATED EXPENSES <st1:stockticker>AND</st1:stockticker> DSA MUST BE FUNDED BY THE INDIVIDUAL STAFF ASSOCIATION/UNION OR ADMINISTRATION.  FICSA cannot provide any financial assistance in this respect.

The Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations