Standing Committees Chairs and Vice-Chairs


The FICSA Standing Committee on Staff/Management Relations advises the Executive Committee.

Standing committee advices

1. Labour relations
Labour relations including consultation and negotiation

2. Joint staff-management bodies
Joint staff-management bodies including a system-wide inventory and identifying best practices

3. Partnership and recognition agreements
Partnership and recognition agreements including the development of model agreements. 

4. Strengthening staff representation
Strengthening staff representation including FICSA-organized workshops, development of training material, guidelines and publication of the Handbook for Staff Representatives

5. Access to governing bodies by associations and unions
Access to governing bodies by associations and unions, including a system-wide inventory and best practices

6. Organizational reform and its impact on staff representation
Organizational reform and its impact on staff representation, including the development of strategies to enhance the representation of staff in reform initiatives

7. Relations with inter-agency bodies
Relations with interagency bodies including the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), the HR Network, High Level Committee on Management (HLCM), Chief Executives Board (CEB) and subsidiary working groups and task forces

The Federation of International Civil Servants' Associations

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